The pilot, The Electronic Alchemist, represents the blueprint of the series. The episode includes prototypes of the special effects, cinematographic style, and storytelling form that will need to be created for each episode. Although the pilot (20 minutes in length) does not include interviews with thematic experts or the complete narrative of the future space travelers, it can stand alone as a “preview” to the overall series.
There are still so many things I would like to do, but it is time to release this project and put it out there. It is a very unique type of documentary and, with ToT, it is my attempt to create a new documentary storytelling form. It may or may not resonate with audiences, but I hope it will generate lots of interesting and fun discussions – be they on the storytelling style or on the topic itself. So, let’s have a discussion!
Throughout the development of the series, I have found that there are so many visionary artists out there, racing against the clock to preserve the history of our civilization. I am in awe of their talent.
I hope others will find this project worthwhile to pursue so these artists have a chance to tell us their visions of our future through their art.