GARY A. FREITAS resides in Phoenix, AZ. Prior to this he was a life-long child of the San Francisco Bay Area. He has earned a B.A. in political science and Ph.D. in psychology. Gary’s art represents 15 years of effort devoted to developing an experimental art medium utilizing computer and electronic components, resulting in over 100+ sculptures.
He notes that art arrived late in his life and without provenance, but he has known since childhood that he wanted to be an artist, adding, “I do not know where the impulse comes from or why it has this particular expression. The drive and motivation to be an artist have never been revealed to me.”
Regarding his art, he states, “I believe it is an effort to communicate – not unlike the very large Atacama radio antenna array on the desert plateau of northern Chile – seeking out faint signals of life across the vast expanse of our universe.” But with the caveat, “that in all the confusion of this metaphor, I am not sure if I am the radio telescope or the faint signal it is seeking.” He subscribes to author Norman Mailer’s description of art and the Dionysian – “the rebellious imperative of the self to simply be.”
His art has been exhibited in museums of contemporary art across the United States: People’s Biennial by the Independent Curators International in 2012; Art Basil Miami (2017); NY Art Expo (2018). They have also been featured at the Disney Sottil and Wyland galleries in FL. He is author to multiple books and professional works unrelated to his art.
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